Baby Gourmet delicious natural Nutrition for Your baby (Giveaway)
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Baby Gourmet, natural organic baby food is now available to purchase at Walmart® stores across the United States.
Founder and Canadian Jennifer Broe, started baby Gourmet back in 2006 when she saw that there was a need for higher quality baby food products. “My first child was starting solids, and as a mommy it was crucial to me that she ate a diet of healthy, natural foods,” recalls Broe. “I was unhappy with the quality and taste of the prepackaged baby food options available on the market, and while I loved to cook for my family, homemade was not always an option in my busy life- I thought there may be other parents like me who are trying to find better choices in baby food products.”
Before distributing their product to Walmart® stores, baby Gourmet was only available for us consumers to purchase online. My ten month old, Camrin and I had the opportunity to try out baby Gourmet baby food.
The baby food comes in three stages, basic purees for 6 months+, yummy combos for 7 months+, and tasty textures for 8 months+. all of their products are organic with no thickeners or fillers, no added sugar, no added salt, kosher, BPA-free, re-sealable packaging and have USDA, FDA and organic certification. You know that your baby is getting the best nutrition with baby Gourmet baby food.
The delicious flavors will please even the pickiest pallets. My little picky eater loves every single one.
The basic purees come in these flavors:Juicy Pear and garden GreensOrchard Apple, Carrot and Pruneand harvest Pear, Pumpkin and Banana.
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The Yummy combos include:Sweet Potato PieRoasted Squash and Fruit Medleyand Apple, sweet Potato, Berry Swirl.
Older babies can take pleasure in these tasty textures:Apple CrispVanilla Banana Berry Risottoand tropical Banana Bliss.
Camrin’s favorite is tropical Banana Bliss. tropical Banana Bliss is made with organic bananas, organic mango, organic apple, organic lemon juice concentrate, organic natural flavor and ascorbic acid.
We also love the helpful squeeze & Feed technology. jar baby foods can get messy especially if they are tipped over by a very active baby. You can avoid this by placing the food in a small bowl, but then that creates a lot more dishes for you to wash. The squeeze & Feed is less messy and makes it easy for your baby to feed himself. Cam loves trying to feed himself.
Baby Gourmet founder, Broe also encourages families to prepare healthy dinners that can be adapted easily for a baby’s developing palate. She even shares recipes on her blog and on the baby Gourmet website. “Healthy eating must be a priority in every familie’s home, but it must not be at the expense of quality time with your child,” says Broe. “We know that parents today are busier than ever and we goal to help them spend quality time with their families without sacrificing taste and health.”
Parents can purchase baby Gourmet at their local Walmart® Supercenter and online at
Healthy mommies magazine readers can also enter to win a sample pack of baby Gourmet baby food. All you need to do is like baby Gourmet on Facebook, follow baby Gourmet on Twitter and leave us a comment to enter.
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This contest is open to us and Canadian residents only and ends on November 25, 2011 at 8am PST.
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For every entry including extra entries please leave a separate comment. Winners will be chosen randomly from the comments and e mails that I receive. The contest ends on November 25 , 2011 at 8am PST and is open to any individual in the us andKanada. Ve svých komentářích prosím zanechte svou e -mailovou adresu. Všechny komentáře bez e -mailových adres budou diskvalifikovány.
*Zveřejnění: Za tuto recenzi jsem obdržel ukázkový balíček dětské gurmánské dětské výživy. Všechny názory jsou přesné a 100% důl.
Cascia Talbert je zaneprázdněná bloggerka, vydavatel, spisovatel na volné noze, online obchodník a matka pěti dětí, žijící na severozápadě Pacifiku. S B.A. V historii a právu a vášeň pro psaní a pobyt zdravého založila časopis Healthy Mommies v roce 2007. Časopis Healthy Mommies je v současné době zařazen do špičkového zdravotnického blogu pro maminky a obsahuje několik spisovatelů odborníků na zdraví a blogery mámy. Paní Talbert věří, že pokud jsou matky dobře vzdělávány o zdravotních problémech a jak zůstat zdravé, mohou tyto informace předat svým dětem a obrátit statistiku dětské obezity v USA
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Odkaz na tento příspěvek: dětská gurmán pro vaše dítě (prozradí)
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