Helping Your baby communicate
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Love sleep Play: Play & Discovery
Helping Your baby Communicate
By Jane Chou for love sleep Play
From the day he was born, your baby has been trying to communicate with you. That’s what all the crying, smiling, cooing, and babbling have been about. He’s saying, “I’m hungry,” “I’m sleepy,” “You make me happy,” and “I love you.” With each passing day, his communication skills improve. Sometime around your baby’s first birthday, he’ll probably come out with his first real word.What’s more, speech development and social skills go hand in hand. learning how to express his thoughts, wants, and needs will eventually help your child learn to connect with the people around him and become a sociable toddler. how can you support this amazing process?
Help your child find words. At 6 to 12 months, your baby isn’t ready to start talking yet, but when he puts forth a syllable, she’s making an attempt at words. So when she says, “ba,” help him out: “Are you trying to find your ball? Do you want your bottle? Where did you put your book?” speak slowly and enunciate clearly so she can hear the different sounds and connect them to what they mean.
Pay attention to your child’s nonverbal communications. Speech isn’t the only indicates of communication your baby will use. between 8 and 12 months, she may start sending a lot more and a lot more nonverbal messages by pointing, gesturing, checking out what she wants, making faces, and even dancing. Grabbing a toy and banging it on the table may mean, “May I have your attention, please?” or “I’m so delighted with my truck!” Whatever he does, take notice and respond.
Have conversations with your child. While you can’t expect your baby to talk back at this age, asking questions and waiting for a action teaches her the rhythm of conversation: You talk and I listen, then I talk and you listen. and don’t forget to respond when your little one cuts loose with baby babble. You may not understand her words, but your action will encourage her to keep trying.
Narrate your day. tell your baby what you’re doing, ask her what she wants, and name what you’re seeing: “Let’s go find your blocks. Do you want the red ball or the blue one? Podívej! There’s your stuffed bear.” rest assured that even though she can’t reply with words yet, she’s listening to and learning from everything you say.
read to your child. Sharing books is an crucial way to support your baby’s early childhood development. It reinforces the power of words and helps your child step forward on the road to literacy, language, and learning.
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O našem zakladateli
Cascia Talbert je zaneprázdněná bloggerka a matka pěti dětí, žijící ve Spokane, WA. S B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mommies Magazine in 2007. The healthy mommies magazine is currently placed the top health blog for moms. Ms. Talbert believes that if moms are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse the childhood obesity statistics in the U.S.
Ms. Talbert runs the Healthy mommies Social Network on Ning, is the founder of Healthy mommies Media, and also blogs at Můžete ji sledovat na a
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