When you are preparing for a baby, there are so many things to think about. One part of parenthood you might be preparing for is breastfeeding and while you don’t really need anything for this journey, there are a couple of things you might want around. A breastfeeding cover up is nice to have just in case you ever want some privacy while nursing. below you will find our favorites, as well as some tips for picking the right one for you!
Do I need to cover up When Breastfeeding?
No, of course, you don’t! You are nourishing your baby and you are allowed to do whatever you feel most comfortable with. While it is totally your choice whether or not to use one, they can make nursing in public feel a little more comfortable for some women. This is especially true at the beginning of your breastfeeding journey when you and your baby are still figuring each other out.
Are All Breastfeeding Cover Ups the Same?
Ani náhodou! There are many options out there for you to choose from, so you will want to consider what will personally make you the most comfortable. another big thing to consider is how easy the cover is to adjust and if it offers any versatility. As your baby grows or when you switch up positions, you want the cover to easily adapt.
Cover Up Types
Wearable Covers: Since mamas never have a free hand, a wearable cover is a great option! These covers double as a piece of your outfit, like a shawl or a scarf. That way when you need to nurse, you are already wearing them. There is no reaching into the diaper bag or searching around involved.
Convertible Covers: In recent years, convertible covers have become increasingly popular and they come in some adorable patterns. You can use them to cover up when feeding, but they also work as car seat covers or blankets when you’re in a pinch. check more of them out here!
Apron style Breastfeeding Cover Ups: The apron style cover up is the most traditional choice and likely what you think of when you picture a nursing cover. The big benefit of these is that they usually offer more than enough coverage and many come with
A good Old fashion Blanket: For the sake of honesty, I have to let you know that once the awkward beginning stage of breastfeeding was over a blanket worked perfectly fine for me. I would just toss one over my shoulder if I felt like a little privacy.
Our 5 favorite Breastfeeding cover up Options
1. overall best Pick
Luxe Milk Snob Cover
This cover is so incredibly soft that you might never want to take it off. The Milk Snob Covers have become incredibly for this reason, and also because they are multi-use and offer full coverage with no hassle. They offer 4-way stretch and 360° coverage, which I really love because you can move around under them. Under some other covers, I would feel trapped but under a Milk Snob Cover, I never felt that way. You can also get their covers in tons of different colors and patterns.
2. Rookie Mom-Approved full coverage + Breathable Cover
Bebe au Lait premium Muslin Nursing Cover
Muslin becomes your new favorite material when you have a baby. It is breathable but also insulating making it perfect for any weather. having a breathable breastfeeding cover up is essential since it can get a little toasty when your baby is snuggled up against you. And, that is reason #1 for loving this Bebe au Lait premium Muslin Nursing Cover. It also has an open rigid neckline so you can peek down at your little one. The open neckline also allows for extra airflow.
3. Our favorite Wearable Cover
Bamboobies chic Nursing Shawl
Like we said above, having a breastfeeding cover up that you can wear saves you a ton of hassle! Plus, how cute does this shawl look? Not only is this shawl super soft but it is made from eco-friendly material; rayon and bamboo fabric.
*Tip: This can also easily be used as a car seat cover up!
4. An easy to adjust Breastfeeding Cover Up
NuRoo Nursing Scarf
The NuRoo Nursing scarf is perfect for moms on the go. It makes covering up easy and it can be adjusted to fit exactly the way you need. You can close all the snaps and make it a comfy scarf, then you just unsnap it and pull the excess material down when you need to nurse. You can also move the snaps around to make it a wrap, to drape it, put it in the front and back, over the shoulder or around your neck.
If you love Lulu Lemon, you should know that this scarf reminds tons of people of their Vinyasa scarf which means you can continue wearing it even when your nursing days are over. It has the same snaps which allow you to customize how to wear it. Take a look at the Lulu Lemon models for some additional ideas on how to wear this scarf!
5. the best budget Pick
Soft Multi-Use Nursing Cover
If you are unsure about using a breastfeeding cover up or not, you make want to start off with a budget buy just to try it out. This cover up is just $9.95 but offers everything you really need. It is multifunctionala lze jej použít jako autosedačka nebo kryt sedadla s potravinami. Když nejste ošetřovatelství, můžete to také vytáhnout jako roztomilý šátek, neublíží, že přichází v roztomilých a jednoduchých vzorcích!
The Runner-Ups
Máme také několik finalistů, podívejte se na níže uvedené možnosti! S žádnou z těchto možností se nemůžete pokazit, prostě nebyli našimi osobními favority nebo přicházejí za trochu vyšší cenu, než bychom chtěli.
6. Go Goldbug 4-in-1 ošetřovatelství šátek
7. Boppy Infinity Nursing Scarf
8. Maya Nursing Wrap
9. Pobibaby víceúčelový ošetřovatelský kryt
10. Neotech péče o kojení kojení dítěte Scarf
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