BEST bottles FOR GAS; how TO ease YOUR BABY’S BELLY!
A gassy baby is typically not a very delighted one, and that can be really hard on everyone involved. There’s plenty of different ways to cope with this, but one of the best places to start is finding a bottle that works for your baby. The way that your baby is eating can cause as much tummy upset as what they are eating, so we have gathered the best bottles for gas that will help stop your baby’s tummy from getting upset.
Best bottles for Gas, how to ease Your Baby’s Belly!
Why it matters
You might be thinking, “Yeah right, my baby’s stomach problems can’t be resolved with something as basic as switching their bottle!”.
Here’s why it might actually work, gas in infants is typically caused by them swallowing too much air which ends up getting trapped in their little tummies. Some bottles do a better job and reducing this air intake in general. Others focus specifically on their eating practices and mouth shape. On top of finding a bottle that will minimize air intake, you will want to find a bottle that keeps your little one eating slower.
Important bottle Features
We’ve made a list of some of the best bottles for gas. In case you want to continue the research on your own here are all the features you need to be looking for.
Bottle flow matters big time for your baby. If they are working too hard to suck they might end up intaking air, but on the opposite side of things if the flow is making it too easy on them they can down their food too quickly, which also causes air bubbles.
I recommend getting a bottle set that includes various nipples so that you will have lots of options to try out. That’s exactly what you will want when you’re trying to fix your baby’s tummy problems.
Bottles with angled necks make feeding much easier and allow your baby to eat in a lot more of a sitting position instead of laying down.
Did you know there are vented bottles? For sensitive babies, you will absolutely want to check them out. I can’t break down all the science for you, but to keep it basic they get rid of bubbles while your baby drinks.
Nipple Shape
As for shape, different babies like different things but if you cannot seem to find a option to tummy troubles try changing things up. consider your own nipple shape and try to find a similar bottle nipple.
Pay attention to how You’re Holding the Bottle
This is not exactly a bottle feature, but it is very crucial to think about how your baby and the bottle are being held.
It’s not like we’re born with some magical instinct teaching us how to hold babies properly. So, don’t be ashamed to look this up, check out some photos, or even ask an expert. The way your kiddo is held during feeding times can play a big role in their digestion. For starters, always make sure their head is above their belly!
Best bottles for Gas
Comotomo baby Bottles
Air vents, a large neck, a naturally shaped nipple, and made of a soft squeezy skin like plastic; this bottle was undoubtedly made with gassy colic babies in mind. It checks off everything on the list and is a great first choice if you’re wanting to try a new bottle. check these out!
Philips Avent Anti-Colic
We have linked you to a whole Philips Avent starter set here because they’re just so good. They have a great venting system and nipples that nearly never collapse. Did we mention this bottle is clinically proven to help minimize stomach discomfort? enough said. check these out!
Tommee Tippee closer to Nature
You will probably learn in parenting that keeping things “closer to nature” just tends to work out best. While the name is what first caught our attention, it’s the award-winning just-like-mom-nipple and anti-colic valve that helped put this bottle on our list. check these out!
Dr. Brown’s original Bottle
This bottle is a favorite among lots of parents who have suffered through tummy troubles with their babies. It’s also clinically proven to minimize colic and has a outstanding venting system that vacuums away any air. check these out!
Medela Bottles
If you’re searching for a budget option, but still want to keep your baby’s tummy safe check out these Medela Bottles. They’re highly recommended by pediatricians and made by a breast pump company, who absolutely know what they’re doing. check these out!
Nanobebe Bottle
At first glance, this bottle will probably throw you off a little. It’s absolutely different than many bottles on the market, but it actually makes so much sense. It was made to imitate the shape and feel of a breast. You can also pump directly into these bottles and they’re stackable!! Your baby might just need a bottle shaped like their mama to keep them in their comfort zone. check these out!
Playtex VentAire
The Playtex VentAire has all the ideal angles. This angled bottle can help stop gas bubbles from forming and also ear infections. They include channel vent technology and extra-wide nipples at Více různých rychlostí toku. Podívejte se!
Nuk prostě přirozené
Krmení je pro spoustu dětí mnohem snazší, když se jejich láhev cítí mnohem více jako máma. To je přesně to, pro co NUK vyvinul tyto jednoduše přírodní láhve. Vláda má více děr stejně jako máma prsa a má jen ideální množství flexibility. Podívejte se!
Systém krmení holého vzduchu
Proč získat jednu z nejlepších lahví pro plyn, když můžete získat celý systém krmení? Jen si dělám srandu, jsou to vlastně totéž. Holý vzduch však ví, jak zásadní je mít na paměti celý systém. Přišli s technologií vzduchové zástrčky a vestavěnou kontrolou toku, aby pomohly udržet vaše dítě a jejich bříško šťastné. Podívejte se!
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